Each entry shares articles on the genre, mod suggestions and hints on how to run the games on modern hardware. Reviews over 400 seminal games from 1975 to 2015. This is probably a bug and will be fixed sometime in the future. I'm playing obviously the unmodded version of Kotor 2, I chose cyan as the color I described as my … They are the tall spires scattered around the dunes of Tatooine.

It was completed as of Maand can be downloaded at Filefront. (+5 DEX, +6 WIS) Assume the Name Crystal at Level 30 That's enough for the +33 stat crystals. Black Red - Crystal can be purchased directly from the PvP Vendor for 150k and 1950 Warzone Commendations and Ripped from Empire Rakata weapons and Battlemaster weapons. 5) Mercenary Camp - You can … Every item location randomized.